We Answer Your Top Questions About Physical \ Therapy
When you live in constant pain, you have questions about what causes your pain and how you can get the relief you crave. Get the answers you need from our podiatrists and physical therapists.
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What does dry needling treat?
Dry needling is a physical therapy treatment designed to stimulate particular points in your muscles to improve pain and function issues. Typically it relieves muscle pain and tension as well as helps restore range of motion to the treated areas. This often includes common musculoskeletal issues in the shoulders, heels, hips, and back. Normally this method is used in conjunction with other types of therapy, so it can help supplement them and add its unique benefits to your other treatments.
Dry needling uses a very thin needle that gets inserted under the skin and into specific “trigger points.” These trigger points are tight bands of skeletal muscle tissue in a larger group of muscles. Often these points are tender when you press on the muscle group with your fingers. The needle stimulates the tightened part of the muscle, helping it handle pain and function better. It’s always best to work with an experienced physical therapist you trust before considering this method for your pain relief. Let our teams at Castle Pines Physical Therapy and Cherry Creek Physical Therapy help you determine if this method could right for your needs. Contact our Colorado office online or by calling (303) 805-5156.
What is dry needling?
Dry needling is a technique that targets “trigger points” in your muscles with thin needles to help relieve pain and improve muscle function. Your trigger points are hard, painful knots in muscle tissue. They can make it very difficult and uncomfortable to perform ordinary daily tasks. This problem is often called myofascial pain syndrome, and it’s most common in the neck and the arms. Dry needling inserts very thin needles through your skin to the knotted up muscle below. The targeted process stimulates the trigger point, helping the tightened tissue to relax. This relieves your pain and allows your muscles to function much better.
This technique is not the same thing as acupuncture, though it can seem similar. The process can also be used as just one aspect of a treatment plan; often it’s paired with stretches and exercises targeting the tightened muscles. Let our experienced team help you get the pain relief you need today. Contact Castle Pines Physical Therapy and Cherry Creek Physical Therapy for more information about dry needling or our other treatments. You can use our website or call (303) 805-5156 to reach our Colorado offices. -
Is it safe to exercise with diabetes?
Not only is it safe to exercise with diabetes as long as you’re cautious, it’s extremely important to do so. Physical activities are healthy for your body in general. When you have diabetes, exercise can improve your overall health and help you limit the effects of the disease. This is because exercise improves your metabolism, circulation, strength, and weight loss, among other things. All of this helps control your blood sugar levels and slow down effects like neuropathy.
The key to exercising safely is to be aware of your limits, take it slow, and accommodate your needs. You may need to eat snacks at certain times to prevent your blood sugar from dropping too sharply. Warm up carefully before you start an activity, and cool down afterwards. Stay hydrated throughout your exercise time. Wear appropriate footwear to protect your lower limbs. Stop if you’re experiencing pain. Start slowly and work your way up in intensity and endurance.
Our teams at Castle Pines Physical Therapy and Cherry Creek Physical Therapy can help you make a plan to exercise safely with diabetes. Just call our Castle Pines and Cherry Creek, CO, locations at (303) 805-5156 for more information or an appointment.
Are there physical therapy exercises to improve balance?
Physical therapy exercises can be a huge help to improve balance. Working with a physical therapist like Dr. Jennifer Molner will help you identify exactly where you are weakest and what your body needs to improve. Then, our team will help you establish exercises that target your unique needs and accommodate your individual body. Typically these exercises work to strengthen the muscles that support joints, as well as build up your core muscles that hold you upright.
Standing on one leg is the most common type of balancing exercise. You can make this more difficult by balancing for an extended period of time, swinging your leg or rotating the ankle of the foot in the air, or standing on something unstable, like a pillow. Walking heel-to-toe in a straight line like you’re balancing on a tightrope is another exercise. The specific physical therapy exercises you’ll use to improve your balance will depend on your unique needs. Let Castle Pines Physical Therapy and Cherry Creek Physical Therapy in Colorado help you. Call (303) 805-5156 or use our website to reach us.
Can physical therapy help with gait abnormalities?
Physical therapy can certainly help treat and manage the underlying problems that contribute to gait issues. Many issues can affect your gait, like autoimmune diseases, neuromuscular disorders, and even injuries. Physical therapy helps by improving your muscle control, joint range of motion, and general stability. Exercises to build up strength and stability in your core and your lower limbs help you control your movements better and improve your body’s ability to take a step. Activities that boost flexibility help your range of motion and make it possible for your lower limbs to move correctly. It will take time, but for most people, you eventually can train your body to accommodate your gait abnormalities and walk more normally.
You’ll need to have your gait issues diagnosed and the underlying cause identified first, of course. Our teams at Castle Pines Physical Therapy and Cherry Creek Physical Therapy can help you diagnose your condition and plan out the best course of action to address your concerns. Make an appointment with us today by calling our Colorado offices at (303) 805-5156.
Can my injury be helped by manual therapy alone?
Manual therapy is a useful branch of physical therapy and it can be immensely helpful for treating injuries. In some cases it can be the primary method to relax tightened tissues, relieve pain, and increase your flexibility. Whether or not it’s the only treatment you need will entirely depend on your unique body and what caused your injury in the first place. Many people will need additional treatments, such as orthotics to better stabilize limbs and even pain medication. If you have swelling and inflammation, you might need RICE treatments to ease your pain and speed up healing.
Whether or not manual therapy is the only treatment you use to treat your injury, the key is to seek care for your pain as soon as possible. The quicker an injury is treated, the easier it is to manage and to heal with conservative treatments. Our team of physical therapists will be happy to help you with every step of your recovery. Contact Castle Pines Physical Therapy or Cherry Creek Physical therapy in Castle Pines and Denver, CO, for an appointment today. You can reach us online or by calling (303) 805-5156. -
Are there stretches to help prevent lower back pain?
Stretching can be a great help for many types of lower back pain, especially if you spend a lot of time either sitting still or standing around. The stretches loosen up tight tissues in your lower back and allow for greater flexibility. They also reduce tension in your muscles and tendons.
There are plenty of different stretches for lower back pain. Lying on your back and pulling your knees to your chest is one simple one to try at home. Lying on your back and rotating your hips and knees side-to-side is another. A slightly more complicated stretch is called “thread the needle.” Lying on your back, bend one knee and put that foot flat on the floor. Take your other foot and cross it over your bent knee, so it’s propped there. Reach under your crossed leg to grab the thigh of your bent knee and pull it closer to your chest.
Working with a physical therapist, like Dr. Jennifer Molner and our experts at Castle Pines Physical Therapy or Cherry Creek Physical Therapy, can help you with these stretches and more. Make an appointment online, or by calling (303) 805-5156.
How is lower back pain treated?
Treating lower back pain can vary depending on the underlying cause of the discomfort, but there are a few remedies that may help no matter what the cause. Rest is one of the most important ones. Cut back on your activities and avoid energetic actions that cause pain. Use heat packs to help relax muscles and encourage circulation in the painful area. If you recently injured your back, though, use ice to decrease swelling and inflammation. In some cases, pain medications may be appropriate. Our physical therapists will help determine what medication, if any, would be best for you.
Physical therapy and specific exercises are especially important. These stretch out tightened back muscles and can help strengthen the surrounding areas of your core, relieving the strain on your back. Stomach exercises are particularly important, since they are directly opposite the lower back and help support it. The MLS pain laser is also a treatment option for both acute and chronic back discomfort. If you’re struggling with back pain at all, let our team help. Contact our physical therapists at Castle Pines Physical Therapy in Castle Pines, CO, or Cherry Creek Physical Therapy in Denver, CO, by calling (303) 805-5156 or using our website.
Can a physical therapist help me manage my diabetes?
Physical therapy can actually play a very important role in managing diabetes safely and healthily. Exercise is a key component in controlling your blood sugar levels and maintaining healthy circulation, both of which are important for diabetic care. It helps your body handle the sugar in your blood, as well as forces your heart to pump more strongly, improving its flow to places like your feet and toes. The right kind of exercise can help you stay in shape as well, even if you’re dealing with diabetic complications. A physical therapist can adjust your exercises to accommodate problems like peripheral neuropathy, so you have a lower risk for foot injuries.
Physical therapy is just one aspect of your health care that should be worked into your diabetes management. You’ll still need to make dietary adjustments, protect your feet, get regular check-ups, and possibly take medication to manage the disease. Still, physical therapy can be a valuable part of your management overall. If you’re living with diabetes and need help managing it, let us know at Castle Pines Physical Therapy and Cherry Creek Physical Therapy in Denver, CO. We’ll help you establish a care plan. Just call (303) 805-5156 to reach us. -
How could I improve my balance?
There are plenty of ways to improve your balance. Balance training is an underappreciated part of a normal workout routine, but it plays an important role in your fitness, especially if you’re an athlete. Any exercise that works your core or challenges your ability to stay upright is helpful. This includes using wobble boards, participating in tai chi or yoga, or doing your own exercises at home.
The most basic way to challenge your balance is, of course, standing on one leg. There are other things you can do to make it more challenging, though. You could keep your eyes closed, or stand on a pillow. Walking across a room in a straight line, as if you were on a tightrope, can be beneficial as well.
If you’re struggling with balance and you’d like help improving it, let Castle Pines Physical Therapy or Cherry Creek Physical Therapy know. Balance is a complex issue with many factors affecting it. We’d be happy to help you establish a therapy plan to strengthen your lower limbs---and the rest of you—to perform at your very best. Just contact us through our website for additional information or an appointment at our Denver, CO location. You can reach us by calling (303) 805-5156.