Protect your feetPhysical therapists know how important it is to get outside and be active during summer months, however, they also recognize the importance of protecting your skin and staying safe in the summer sun!  Did you know skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States? Though we should all try to avoid unnecessary, unprotected time in the sun, it is important to be prepared for that extra sun exposure that sometimes is inevitable in the warm summer months.  Here are some helpful hints to keep you and your skin safe:

Try to avoid sun exposure between late morning and midafternoon when the sun is at its strongest.  Before you head outside, be sure to protect yourself.  Wear lightweight clothing that covers as much of your body as possible, and don’t forget to put on a hat and sunglasses!  Ensure those shades have near 100% UV protection too.  Don’t skimp on sunscreen either! Apply it to all exposed skin, including commonly neglected areas such as the back of your neck and legs, and your feet!  Sunscreen should have an SPF of at least 15 and be re-applied every 2 hours. 

Get more tips on sun safety from Castle Pines Physical Therapy in Castles Pines CO. Dr. Jennifer Molner is happy to help! Call (303) 805-5156 today.

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