Winter Sports and NeuropathyIf you are experiencing symptoms of neuropathy, don’t feel as though you have to give up on fun! There are things you can do to help ease your pain. One of the best forms of neuropathy treatment is exercise. Just getting your body going and your heart pumping releases natural painkillers known as endorphins and improves blood flow to nourish damaged nerves. A great option? Strap on some ice skates and head to Skyline Park in downtown Denver, where you can skate to your heart’s desire—free of charge. Summer time? Head for the hills and hike!

There are plenty of trails around to hike and snowshoe, too, and of course let’s not forget skiing. Whatever you choose, the point is to get moving! If you’d rather stay cozy indoors, check out an exercise class at your local gym, or stay home and pamper your feet with a warm soak or massage to promote circulation.

If your neuropathy is caused by an underlying problem such as diabetes, be sure to manage your condition. Also, eat a healthy diet, avoid alcohol, and quit smoking. Ask the experts at Podiatry Associates P.C. about medications that can help, as well as our technologically-advanced MLS laser therapy.  This process uses a concentrated beam of light energy to stimulate cell activity, reducing pain and inflammation and promoting tissue repair. 

Stop by our Parker or Castle Pines, CO office to find out more about this state-of-the-art neuropathy treatment, or give us a call at (303) 805-5156. Our foot doctors are here to serve you and all of Denver, Castle Pines, and Parker, Colorado.

Neuropathy or not, let the fun begin!

Photo Credit: boogy_man via RGB-stock

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