Girl playing soccerAs parents, we always want to protect our kids – heck, if we could wrap them in bubble wrap and make them wear helmets to school, we would! So, when it comes to kids participating in sports, it’s hard for parents to sit by and not think about the possible injuries that could occur. However, you don’t have to spend the season in fear, covering your eyes every time your child goes into the game! There are steps you can take to help protect your kids from sports injuries. Follow these tips to keep your son or daughter from joining you on the sideline:

Get them the right gear. Make sure they have all the protective equipment needed for the sport, including the appropriate shoes. Check the gear regularly to ensure it all still fits properly and is in good condition. Also, make certain your child is wearing their equipment correctly – a cracked shin guard worn on the side of a leg is not much protection!

Encourage them to practice. Practicing the necessary skills and working on proper form are essential to staying safe in sports. Warming up before activity and gradually building up one’s fitness level can also help to ward off injuries in young athletes.

Watch the weather. Make sure your child is dressed and prepared for the weather conditions to avoid overheating or muscles becoming tight in the cold. Layers are best so kids can take off or put on what they need. It’s also a good idea to keep hats, gloves, and extra socks and clothes in your child’s game bag – and don’t forget the water bottle!

Sure, it might be less stressful if children just stuck to non-impact activities, like chess or competitive reading, but kids love sports. And let’s face it, parents love to watch their kids participate, even if an injury is possible. At least by taking these steps to protect your young athlete, you can watch with a little less concern and a little more peace of mind!

Of course, nothing is fool proof, but even if an injury does occur, you can rest assured we are here for you if you need us! Simply make an appointment by using our online contact form or by calling (303) 805-5156. We’ll get your child the care needed to get back in the game, and you can go back to worrying, that is, cheering them on!

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