A recent analysis of millions of children around the globe found that children don’t run as fast or as far as their parents once did when that earlier generation grew up.
The study found that children take an average of 90 seconds longer to run a mile than their parents did 30 years ago. Also, heart-related fitness has gone down in children by five percent per decade since 1975 for kids aged 9 to 17.
The study was featured at a conference held by the American Heart Association, saying that they were the first to show that the level of exercise in children has reduced around the world over the past 30 years.
The World Health Organization agreed, stating that 80 percent of youth may not be getting the exercise they need.
A pediatrician from the University of Colorado, Dr. Stephen Daniels, commented that it made sense that children aren’t as active as their parents were growing up. The reason, he cites, is because schools are cutting back on the amount of physical education so children simply don’t have the opportunity to run and play like they once used to.
A White House official, Sam Kass, head of the Let’s Move program put in place by Michelle Obama, agreed that the role of schools plays a critical part in the fact that we have one of the most sedentary generations in our history.
At our Colorado podiatry practice, we’re also concerned about the lack of running and play children receive today. This can have a tremendous impact on their overall development, including the development of their feet. If you have concerns about your child’s foot or leg development, contact our Parker and Castle Pines podiatrists to schedule an examination.