Like many other creepy things from myths and stories, mummies have become a fixture in Halloween decorations and costumes. They shuffle along, held together by their linen wrappings so their dried-up bodies don’t fall apart. Now, the skin on your feet will never get as dry as a mummy’s, but as the weather gets colder and colder, your chances for developing cracks and flakes from dry skin increase. This Halloween, it’s a good idea to treat your feet as well as trick-or-treaters. Fortunately, you don’t need a costume or dozens of candy bars to take care of the skin on your lower limbs.

Feet dry out for many reasons. It could be something natural, or it could be some outside factors playing a part in the problem. Once your feet are abnormally dry, you experience a number of different symptoms. Your feet may burn or feel itchy. Your skin might crack and cause pain. You may also be more susceptible to infections.

Preventing dry skinHowever, you don’t have to feel any of that. You can prevent your skin from reaching that point just by moisturizing it now. Here are some of the top ways you can treat your feet and keep them smooth and soft:

  • Use moisturizing soap – When you wash your feet, use moisturizing soap so your cleanser doesn’t sap the moisture that’s naturally in your skin.
  • Use lotion every day – After you wash and dry your skin, apply lotion or ointment to keep your feet smooth and hydrated.
  • Stay hydrated – Drink plenty of water every day. This keeps your skin moisturized from the inside out.
  • Take care of calluses – Calluses are particularly dry, and can prevent moisturizer from affecting your skin. Periodically scrub them down with a pumice stone so they don’t get too thick.
Treating your feet regularly is a part of good skin care and great foot health. Don’t take dry skin for granted, especially when it’s so easy to prevent! If you’re struggling with dry skin, or you’d like to find out more about taking care of your feet, let us know. Our team at Podiatry Associates, P.C. will be happy to help you. Visit our offices in Castle Pines, Parker, or Cherry Creek in Denver, or use our website to connect with us. You can also call (303) 805-5156. 
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