
Have you passed on bunion surgery, because you’ve heard that it is painful? Are you enduring days of intense discomfort with every step? In fact, there is no reason for ongoing misery. The right procedure can provide relief, and help you regain your quality of life.

There are many different types of bunion surgery, and it is important that your podiatrist specifically picks which bunion surgery is best in your individual case. The bunion surgeries can range from a procedure that allows you to walk in a pneumatic walking boot for 4 weeks before returning to regular shoes, to a procedure that requires you to be non-weight bearing for 6 weeks with a total healing time of 10 weeks before returning to your regular shoes.

Determining the correct bunion surgery and educating each patient on the particulars of your surgery, pre-operative preparation, and post-operative care will lead to the most efficient healing times with the least amount of pain.

Post-operative pain should be tolerable and well controlled with the appropriate choice of surgery, excellent patient preparation, skilled surgical treatment, and expert post-operative management. This also includes post-operative pain medication, appropriate immobilization, and the correct amount of icing and elevation.

If you’ve wondered about surgical intervention to end bunion pain, call today by dialing (303) 805-5156, or by visiting us online. Dr. Cynthia Oberholtzer-Classen will help you find the relief you need to enjoy each day.


Photo credit:  marin via freedigitalphotos.net

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