When you can walk after bunion surgery depends on many different factors, including how serious your bunion was and the specific procedure done to correct it. Immediately after the surgery, you’ll wear a special boot or a cast to protect the newly corrected forefoot. Putting full weight on that foot right after the procedure risks damaging the bones, which could potentially cause the problem to reoccur in the future. However, not everyone needs a full cast and crutches, either.
The simpler the bunion and the procedure, the sooner you can walk on that foot again. Some situations can allow partial weight-bearing afterward, so you may be able to walk for short periods of time, particularly with assistance. More advanced and complicated bunion surgeries will need full cast and crutches; it may be several weeks before you can even start to walk on that foot again. Our team at Podiatry Associates, P.C. will discuss all of this and your full recovery with you before you have your surgery. Contact us for more information or for a bunion appointment today. You can reach our Parker, Cherry Creek, and Castle Pines, CO, offices online or by calling (303) 805-5156.