When toenail fungus takes hold it can be very difficult to get rid of and can even spread, making matters worse. There are over-the-counter remedies like polishes and creams, but these are typically tedious and ineffective. We can provide prescription strength topical and oral medication for better results, and for an even quicker recovery, we offer laser treatment for fungal toenails.Treat fungal toenails with laser therapy!

Safe, painless, and fast, this high-tech approach uses wavelengths of light to penetrate the nail and eliminate the fungal infection beneath it without harming any surrounding tissues. There are no side effects and you won’t experience any downtime – you can go right back to your normal activities!

For the most efficient and effective path to clear and healthy nails, call us to schedule an appointment and get started with laser treatment for fungal toenails today! Just dial (303) 805-5156 and you’ll be on your way to being toenail fungus-free!