Physical therapy is a treatment option at pretty much any age—there is no minimum or maximum age limit. In fact, physical therapy for children is an important part of treatment and recovery for some childhood injuries and disabilities. The goal of this method is to help your child improve or regain movement and function in his or her body. This can be achieved multiple ways.

Typically stretching and strengthening exercises play a large role in physical therapy. Some exercises may be designed to help control pain. Others may be to condition your child’s body to handle hard impacts and return safely to sports. Exactly what therapy will do for your child will depend on what he or she needs.

The key is having your son or daughter evaluated by an expert like Dr. Jennifer Molner, DPT and our team at Castle Pines Physical Therapy or our associated location in Cherry Creek in Denver, CO. We will determine what therapies best meet your child’s needs, then help you establish a plan. Let us help keep your whole family moving. Call us at (303) 805-5156 to make an appointment or request more information.